3 Ways a Marketing Calendar Will Boost Your Business

A marketing calendar is the first of the non-negotiables that we recommend businesses create when they reach out to BNL for coaching. 

To us, a marketing calendar is a breakdown of your company’s year and the goals you want to accomplish. We believe that once you write something down, it gets sent off into the universe and then it comes back to you at the right time. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what a marketing calendar is, how they’ve been successful to BNL and three ways it will boost your business. 

Breaking Down the Marketing Calendar 

If you didn’t know, BNL has created a private NEW Facebook Community called BNL’s Digital Marketing Gurus. This is a community of business owners who are ready to grow their marketing to the next level. 

Every Monday morning, I go live in this group to share all of my magical marketing knowledge. In the first episode, we discussed marketing calendars and it was incredible hearing from business owners and seeing people show up ready to learn! 

A marketing calendar provides you with a reminder, it puts you in a routine of paying attention to your goals and then you’re rewarded once they are achieved! Hello, growth and added income! 

To begin, you’ll need to figure out when your company’s year starts. Do you want to start in January and follow the calendar year? Or, do you feel a sense of starting new and fresh in September? 

BNL starts our marketing year in September. January never has felt quite right with the Christmas burn out and we love how September is the beginning of the educational year.  

Once you decide when you should start your marketing calendar, you break up your year in quarters. Then it’s time to decide your overall yearly business goal and specific goals within each of the four quarters. 

What Happens After Your Goals Are Decided?

Once you’ve set your quarterly goals, it’s time to figure out the marketing strategies and tasks to get you there. Start mapping out what needs to happen in order for your goals to be hit.

  • What processes do you need to put in place?

  • What platforms and pieces of software do you need to invest in?

  • Do you need a website refresh? 

  • Do you need to add eCommerce to your current offerings?

  • Should you offer and create a sales campaign? 

  • What about an emailing marketing campaign?

  • Should you focus on networking or social media for this quarter? 

These are only some of the things you may need to consider when you’re mapping out the steps to get you to your goals. A marketing calendar is designed to help a business stay on track and stay true to the necessary marketing efforts. At BNL, we’ve used marketing calendars since the beginning. And, let me tell you something, seeing goals accomplished is one of the most rewarding feelings out there as a business owner!

3 Ways Your Marketing Calendar Will Boost Your Business 

Now that you know what a marketing calendar is and how we use them at BNL, it’s time to get into the juicy goodness! Here are three ways a marketing calendar will boost your business to another level. 

  1. It keeps your business relevant 

    Once you’re done mapping out the goals and how to accomplish them, it’s up to you (and your team) to stay on track! We love checking in on our tasks and quarterly goals every couple of weeks to ensure that we’re aligned in what we’re doing. 

    It’s that eye-opening moment when we ask “Is what I’m doing right now in alignment with our quarterly goal?” And, if it isn’t, we PIVOT and get back on track.

    Not only do these goals keep you on the right path, but they also keep your business relevant to where you want to go. A well-thought-out marketing calendar will keep your content and marketing efforts fresh. You’ll continually show up however you’re meant to online. Your audience will remain engaged and interested in what you’re offering.

  2. It produces high-quality marketing

    When you have a plan, it takes time to put those steps into action. High-quality content and marketing take that time! If you’re able to look at the next year of your business and map out and plan what you want to achieve and how to achieve it through marketing, you’re setting yourself up for success. We promise you!

    You have everything laid out in front of you, which means you’re able to plan accordingly. You’re allowing yourself plenty of room for creativity and time to prepare your high-quality marketing to help bring you closer to your goals.

    If you have a product you want to launch in Q3, you see that it will take several different marketing tactics to achieve this launch. You’ll plan brochures, a sales campaign, you’ll have to contact influencers to get on board. All of this will need to be started in Q1 to help you achieve your Q3 goal. If you didn’t map all of this out, you may not have seen how much it will take to actually complete this goal!

  3. It keeps you team in the right lane

    Having a marketing calendar to fall back on means that there’s never any time spent frantically scrambling for content ideas to post and marketing strategies to consider. Your team knows your plan for the current quarter and is able to follow the tasks you’ve put into place to get everyone there! 

    You’re able to continuously update and adapt your marketing calendar with the feedback from your team and everyone’s commitment to success. This calendar allows everyone on your team to be on the same wavelength and allows your team member to be a part of the bigger business picture, which a lot of companies shut behind the CEO’s office door. You can’t create marketing magic alone!

Join BNL’S FB Group For More Marketing Magic 

Have you found this blog post helpful? I shared even more details on marketing calendars and shared exactly what BNL’s marketing calendar looks like for this upcoming year in our NEW Facebook group. If you’re ready to learn more from BNL on topics like this one and other marketing-related magic, join our Facebook group today! 

For the rest of 2020, I’m giving away lifetime access to my knowledge for only 108 dollars. FOREVER. No other payment. 

For only $108, you’ll gain access to the group, all of my Live videos and a community of entrepreneurs who are committing to growing their businesses.

LIFETIME access awaits you.


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