the bnl story.

the bnl story.

your social media unicorns.

BNL would not be able to do the magical work we do without the amazing team that holds it all together. Now, let us tell you our story so that you can trust us to help you tell yours.

Megan Shallow Social Media Expert

Hi! I’m Megan Shallow.

Owner and Social Media Mentor
BNL Media Consulting

BNL was born out of a love for all things local.

Marketing was not what I initially set out to do with my life. I did not become an expert in my field by taking the traditional route. 

My story begins in university, where I first became fascinated with the power of the digital world. My Honours thesis examined the impact digital communication was having on relationship initiation and maintenance among young adults. Yes, my degree was not in marketing but in psychology. Looking back, I can see that my vision for BNL first blossomed while I was still in school, though I didn’t quite realize it yet. 

While I was away at university, I found myself homesick for my hometown of Vancouver— it was this period of my life where I was most tested, yet my intuition told me that I was right where I needed to be (and oh my was she right!). I didn’t know anyone in my new town but as soon as I started to visit local small businesses, I found what I was looking for. 


It was these interactions that I had with small businesses and their owners that made me feel connected to something bigger than myself. 

While I was searching for my true purpose in life in my mid 20’s, I decided to take a spiritually intense trip to Thailand’s Full Moon Island (I’m always happy to share the story of my time here!). For now, all I’ll say is that this trip changed the course of my life.

After returning home to Canada, all the puzzle pieces seemed to fall into place. I was introduced to a marketing mentor who loved my personal social media feed and encouraged me to begin writing a blog about my life and my passions. Shortly thereafter, I landed an opportunity to work at an extremely successful start-up specializing in Facebook Advertising. It was these valuable connections that led me to where we are now.   

Today, BNL is no longer just me running social media accounts as a solo freelancer, but a team of passionate and ridiculously talented digital creatives. I call them my unicorns, those who I didn't seek out, but who gravitated to the empowering and safe space that is BNL where they can each thrive in their own unique creative genius.

With the foundation I built and the support of my team, BNL has now scaled to a full-service social media marketing agency. We work with entrepreneurs, small business owners, and large multinational firms in both Canada and the U.S. The ways in which we can support our clients continue to expand every day; for that, I am so grateful! 

The local impact BNL is making for communities small and large and the success of our clients not only in Vancouver but all over Canada and the U.S. is WHY we continue to do what we do.   

When I am not having a blast working alongside the BNL Unicorns you will also be able to find me mentoring women in business at
Living In Balance Seminars as well as supporting the growth and expansion of the Canadian Digital Marketing Summit.

Empowering entrepreneurs and connecting and building communities online and offline really is my purpose and I am grateful to be able to do it every single day.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank all those who’ve come through the BNL doors, those who’ve stayed, those who’ve grown, and those who are thinking about saying hello from Vancouver, British Columbia and beyond.


 meet our unicorns

  • Kelowna Social Media Manager

    Tayne McKay

    Administrative Director &
    Lead Unicorn Wrangler

  • Nova Scotia Social Media Manager

    Angie Chia-Baxter

    Social Media Strategist

  • Quebec Copywriter

    Lyle Hendriks

    Lead Copywriter

  • Vancouver Graphic Designer

    Savi Suazo

    Graphic Designer

  • Toronto Graphic Designer

    Ace Aceron

    Graphic Designer

  • New Brunswick Social Media Manager

    Amber Crawford

    Administrative Assistant

  • Vancouver Social Media Manager

    Kimberly Mamchur

    Social Media Assistant

  • Tori Lodge

    Tori Lodge

    Social Media Assistant

  • Vancouver Social Media Manager

    Sandra Wong

    Content Creation Director

  • Vancouver Social Media Manager

    Hannah Arntorp

    Community Builder

  • Vancouver Social Media Manager

    Leila Hakimpour

    Community Builder

our social media work.

When you work with BNL, it requires trust, collaborative effort, and communication. When these three things are in alignment, magic happens. Browse our client case studies below and see that magic for yourself.

 Ready to say hello?