5 Tips for Keeping Up With Instagram’s Ever-Changing Algorithm

If you own a cell phone (we’re going out on a limb and assuming you do), then you’re interacting with multiple algorithms on a daily basis. From your TikTok For You page to the pins you get on Pinterest, complex computer formulas are working tirelessly behind the scenes to provide us with content we’ll find entertaining, educational, or otherwise interesting.

The Instagram algorithm is one that many of us are familiar with—it’s what determines the Reels we see, the content on our explore page, and even the order we see stories and posts from our friends. Understanding the ins and outs of the Instagram algo is becoming more essential for marketers every day, as more and more business is done on the platform. But despite this, the inner workings of the Instagram algorithm are quite secretive and ever-changing.

In this guide, we’ll go over a few current and evergreen tips to help you master the Instagram algorithm, ensuring your content cuts through the noise, finds its audience, and helps grow your brand. Let’s get into it!

What’s an Algorithm?

Before we go any further—you might find yourself wondering what an algorithm really is. To put it in simple terms, an algorithm is a set of instructions that a computer uses to make decisions. 

For instance, Google has a very complex algorithm for search engine optimization (SEO), which determines what webpages appear first for certain Google searches. Other kinds of algorithms aren’t related to content at all, such as sets of instructions for computers to solve math problems, for example.

In this guide, we’re going to look at Instagram’s content algorithm in particular and try to demystify one of the most hotly-debated topics in the marketing space.

How Does Instagram’s Algorithm Work?

The Instagram algorithm is used to determine what content to show to a user, along with how and when that content is shown. Based on specific signals, the algorithm works to present users with content they want to see in order to keep them on the app. This means that the content that the algorithm deems most relevant to you will be shown first, while less relevant content will be pushed to the bottom of the queue. 

Every person’s Instagram algorithm is a little different (which is why no two people will have the same explore page), and there are hundreds of factors that can influence it. These include all the data Instagram has on you, such as:

  • Your history on the app

  • Your age

  • Your gender

  • Your location

  • The content you engage with (or don’t engage with)

  • The device you’re using

Beyond information on individual users, the algorithm also takes external factors into account, such as current trends, the ‘relevance score’ of a piece of content (more on that later), the popularity of an account, and, presumably, much, much more. 

What we do know is that there are three main factors that will impact a specific piece of content’s ranking. Keep reading to find out!

1. Past Engagement

If you’ve ever liked, shared, or commented on a post, you may have noticed that you see more posts from that account afterward. This is probably the most important factor to be aware of when considering how your content will fare on the algorithm. If a user has engaged with much of your content in the past, they’ll be much more likely to see more of it in the future. 

2. User Interest

Instagram recommends content to users based on similar content that they engaged with in the past. So if they comment on one or two cooking reels, for example, they’ll be more likely to see more videos like it in the next few days. 

3. Relevancy Score

Lastly, we know that Instagram assigns a ‘relevancy score’ to every single piece of content uploaded to the platform. While the specifics of this metric aren’t entirely clear, we know that it’s at least partially based on the timing of a post (especially if it’s about some kind of current event or other news), as well as its relevance to currently trending topics.

While these insights on the almighty Instagram algorithm are a great start, there’s simply so much we still don’t know about it. The only sure thing is that the algorithm is constantly changing, which means your approach to marketing on social media needs to be just as flexible. 

How to Make the Most of Your Social Media
(For 2024 and Beyond)

With all that background info on algorithms out of the way, you’re probably wondering what it all means for you. As longtime experts in social media marketing, we’ve been through plenty of ups and downs as we ride the wave of the Instagram algorithm. And while so much has changed in just a few short years (remember when Instagram didn’t have Reels, anyone?), there are also a few key principles that are almost always guaranteed to be useful. Here are 5 top ideas:

1. Community First, Always

If the little we know about the algorithm tells us anything, it’s that building a community of loyal, returning users is infinitely more useful than getting the biggest possible reach on your posts. While we all love to see a huge view count on our Reels, you’ll be better off focusing on nurturing your existing community in the long run.

Instagram rewards accounts that get the same people returning to and engaging with their content again and again. Beyond the more obvious methods of doing this (such as always replying to comments and DMs quickly), you can take it a step further. 

One of our favourite ways to build community is with user-generated content (UGC). This is content created and posted by your followers about your brand—so if you run an ice cream company, this could mean getting a shoutout from a local ice cream lover in one of their posts. Be sure to repost any UGC you see to your stories—this is a great way to welcome people into your online community and, hopefully, get your posts to the top of their feed.

2. Get Involved—Don’t Broadcast

Too often, we see brands who look at Instagram as their own personal billboard, simply posting sales-related content day in and day out without really engaging in the ‘social’ aspect of social media. But the truth is, you’ve got to give a little to get a little!

Rather than simply shouting your own praises from the digital rooftops, we recommend getting involved with other accounts related to your brand. Commenting on posts that connect with your niche is a great start. If you run a gym, for instance, you might consider following some bodybuilders and leaving comments when it makes sense to do so. 

If you’re smart about how and when you leave comments, it can lead to a lot of attention—especially if your comment is on a larger account. Bonus points if you say something a little funny or unexpected, as this can encourage people to check your page out and possibly give you a follow. 

3. Use Video to Your Advantage

It’s no secret: Short-form video is the undisputed ruler of social media in 2024. Between TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, we’re seeing massive growth in video as the main form of content—especially for reaching new people.

What we’ve learned is that feed posts and stories are primarily for your existing audience, while Reels are most useful for reaching new people. Try creating videos in a variety of formats (funny and educational tend to be the heavy hitters) to draw in different types of people and expand your audience. 

We also recommend paying attention to trends you spot while watching Reels, from formats to the audio you use. Being strategic about jumping on these trends can lead to huge numbers on your videos, potentially boosting your brand even further.

4. Find Ways to Boost Engagement

As we mentioned, engagement is one of the best ways for Instagram to know that people like your content. Engagement simply refers to any action a user takes on your video, from liking, to commenting, to sending it to a friend. 

Instagram stories are a particularly good strategy for this since it’s so easy to add opportunities for engagement. There are a number of stickers available in the stories feature that encourage users to click on them, such as polls, emoji sliders, hashtag stickers, or the ‘ask me a question’ button. If a user clicks on any of these (or if they simply like or reply to your story), it’s counted as engagement, which will tell Instagram that your other content might be worth showing off as well.

Beyond stories, we recommend regularly making posts that encourage people to leave comments. Be sure to reply to these comments thoughtfully, as it can sometimes spark a conversation, leading to more engagement and a connection with that user.

5. Track Your Insights (And Don’t Be Afraid to Adjust!)

Last but not least, it’s essential that you pay attention to the metrics available in your professional dashboard. You can view insights for each individual post, as well as look at your page’s overall performance. There’s all kinds of useful data in here, including your reach, engagement, average watch time, and so much more.

You should be checking the insights of just about everything you post. If a post does especially well, look at ways you can emulate that success in future content. For instance, if you run a clothing store, you might notice that videos of people trying on the clothes do better than clothes on a mannequin. Little changes can make a big difference in your Instagram presence, but only if you’re paying attention to your insights and are comfortable adjusting your strategy. 

Getting Your Social Media On Track

While the specifics of the Instagram algorithm can seem quite mysterious at times, it’s important to remember the basic fundamentals of success on this behemoth of a platform. By focusing on building a genuine community of interested followers, regularly engaging with your audience and others in your niche, and using as many of the tools that Instagram provides as possible, you’ll be well on your way to growth and success on social media.

Of course, keeping up with the Instagram algorithm can be a lot of work on the day-to-day business. From paying attention to trends to replying to comments, it can sometimes be difficult to give your social media the time it deserves while running your business at the same time. That’s where we come in!

At BNL, we make social media our business so you don’t have to! We keep our ear to the digital ground, making sure we catch changes to the algorithm as soon as they happen in order to keep our clients ahead of the curve and make your business shine on social.

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