5 Steps to Growing Your Social Media Strategy

Do you feel like your social media strategy could use a little shake up? In a world where technology is rapidly changing with practically a new trend every week - it’s easy to feel stagnant and plateaued.

One thing we know is that in order to stay ahead of the social media curve, it’s vital to refine and revisit that strategy so you can lead the pack rather than get lost in the flock! Feeling stressed? Fear not, this is why BNL has got your back! As your social media experts, we know exactly what tools you should have in your social media toolbelt. Read on to find out some effective things you can add to your social media strategy.

Start influencer marketing.

You may be scratching your head at what this even is, and know that that is completely normal! Influencer marketing is essentially a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from micro and macro influencers.

What’s an influencer, you ask?

What gives someone influencer status relies on them having a dedicated following and being an expert in their niche. For example, an exceptional athlete with a proven track record of success is going to be the perfect candidate to endorse an athletic wear company. Because of the high amount of trust these influencers have earned with their following, their recommendations are going to be held at a high value.

This strategy is the name of the game moving forward in social media - our suggestion? Put your feelers out there and see what influencers are a good fit for your brand! And if you’re looking for BC local influencers, reach out to us and let’s chat! We have a whole army of influencers we use with our clients and we’ll be able to find the right ones to partner with your company.

Try on different platforms and features.

You know that old saying “you don’t know until you try!” Well, it most definitely applies in the world of social media strategizing. When it comes to finding the right fit for your business, it’s always going to be helpful to use multiple platforms.

Marketing yourself on various platforms will help you to see who exactly your audience is and help you to further refine that target market and how to reach them. For example, your business model may attract a ton of Gen Z’s, in which case Instagram and TikTok are going to be your best choice by a landslide based on the user demographic. On the other hand, if your business attracts more professionals in the age bracket of 45-55 +, Linkedin and Facebook may be the way to go. It’s all about wearing different hats - try all the different platforms on and see which one’s the right fit for you.

Find user-generated content.

User-generated content is any form of content—text, graphic, images or videos that have been generated by another person promoting a brand. There’s no question, user-generated content is quickly taking the throne as one of the most popular ways to market a product or service.

Why would that be? Well, for a number of reasons!

For one, it’s an easy and accessible way to gather content and create more community engagement. It’s also a great way to give an honest representation of the product or service you are offering, which in turn will build trust with your audience!

Think about it - wouldn’t you be more inclined to trust a product that was given a great review by a customer who shared it on their own platform? A lot of the time, photo content used for marketing is highly edited and doesn’t give off as much of a relatable and realistic feel. It’s all about building trust and connection with those who are following your journey.

Leverage the use of video content.

Visuals are such a powerful way for us humans to remember things. Which is why the brands that showcase video content by the business owners are often the ones that are so hard to forget.

Once you see a person’s face enough times, your brain creates a pathway connecting that face to their brand. This is such a lasting tactic when it comes to not only creating a brand that stands out and is memorable, but also in creating a sense of authentic connection with your audience.

After all, your audience wants to feel like they are connecting not only with a product or service, but also with a real life human! When you engage with your community, you show how relatable you are and that turns into trust and loyalty. That trust is a vital piece of building your following and ultimately leading to customer sales. If you’re on the fence about using video content, we suggest testing your comfort zone and trying this effective tactic on.

Start with recording Reels on Instagram and simple TikTok videos if these are the places that your audience is. It will be a fun way to get creative and show up where your customers are scrolling.

Prioritize using hashtags and location tagging.

Among all of the social media tools you can have in your toolbelt, hashtags and location tagging might just be one of your most tried, tested and true. Hashtags have been around since the dawn of Instagram and still prove to be such an important aspect of creating a successful social media strategy.

For one thing, they are easy to use! Simply search a hashtag related to a particular industry and you are taken to a world of content that is strictly related to that specific topic. It’s the simplest way to organize the endless amount of information posted to social media, so that you can filter through and only be exposed to what you find relevant.

Using hashtags to promote your own content works in the same way - it ensures that your social media posts are funnelled into a category that will directly correlate with your niche community.

In addition to using relevant hashtags, you should also consider the importance of location tagging! When searching for a product or service, many people will search for businesses based on location to find something close to them.

So if you want to be found, you’ll want to be sure that your location is correctly tagged - your Instagram metrics, and your potential customers will thank you!

Grow your social media strategy with BNL.

As you can see, there’s truly no shortage of social media tactics you can try on to freshen your strategy and create the engagement you crave. Creating a strong social media presence is by no means an easy hill to climb, but this is why you have the BNL team in your corner every step of the way!

We work with you to find out exactly what your business needs to grow in the social media world, and we stop at nothing to make that happen. If you’re ready to take your social media strategy to the next level this year, contact us today and let’s discuss what tactics work best for you!


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