Here's Why Your Company Needs a Podcast in 2021

Do you listen to podcasts? Or are you told that you need to listen to a certain one all the time by a friend? If you’re anything like us at BNL Media Consulting, podcasts are a way that you can continue your education and passion in different areas.

Podcasting has been around for a long time, but it’s been incredibly popular in the last 5 years. In this blog post, I’m going to share 4 reasons why you need to add podcasting to your business model this year.

Let’s get straight to it.

Podcasts drive traffic to your website.

Podcasting gives your company the space to share about your specialty. Whether you’re in the retail, hospitality or tech industry, your skills and experience are unique. Creating a podcast based on what you do and how you do it will showcase those skills.

When you share your business expertise, listeners will likely want to support and buy from you. This means your podcast will be driving traffic to your website.

Simply put, the more people who are aware of your podcast, the more people who will become aware of your business website and your offerings.

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Recycle your own content.

Everyone is busy. Many businesses don’t start a podcast because they’re worried it will take so much time out of their day. Researching, planning content, recording, editing and uploading. But, the positive thing is that you can easily recycle your own content.

This not only saves time but it allows your incredible content to be found on all the platforms. In multiple different ways.

Do you have an article that did exceptionally well on your website? Take that focus and information and record a quick podcast about it! Podcasts don’t have to be an hour-long each episode. Short and to-the-point episodes do really well too!

Podcasts show your culture.

People care about workplace culture a lot. It’s one of the most important things to people when looking for a new job. Many businesses use their social media to showcase their workplace culture through behind-the-scenes photos and work events.

Podcasts are another fantastic way to show your workplace culture. From interviewing employees about working at the company to having a co-host allows listeners to get to know people within the business.

Not only does a podcast let people know the behind-the-scenes of employees, it also lets them in on your business in general. Hot products you’re working on, incredible clients you work with on a daily basis, and secret projects that are in the works. Podcasts open the door for people to see within your business.

Podcast listeners are engaged.

Not engaged to be married. Engaged to take action! Unlike when people listen to music, when a podcast gets turned on, the listener is focused on learning something. According to National Public Media, 75% of podcast listeners take action through commercials and ads on a podcast.

Not only does this mean that the knowledge you’re sharing is being heard, but if your podcast becomes successful enough, it can become a profit-building tool through advertising too! Now that’s a win-win!

Is this thing on?!

So, where do you begin? Start by determining what your podcast will focus on. Having a key idea will help you create meaningful episodes full of knowledge. Next up, determine who will host your podcast. Make sure the host is personable, knowledgeable and easy to listen to. Making sure that they’re funny always helps too!

Finally, partner with a professional editing team! Podigy Podcasts is who we recommend. They’re a Podcast Editing Service who simply knows how to create an engaging podcast. You can visit their website for all of their details. We’re so excited to announce with the help of Justin Moore, Founder of Podigy Podcasts, BNL Media Consulting will be launching our own podcast soon!

And, if you have any questions for us at BNL Media Consulting, don’t hesitate to reach out either! We can’t wait to listen to your soon-to-be-famous podcast!


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