How the Weather Affects Social Media Standings

Ever noticed how a rainy day has the ability to completely shift your mood? Sunny days have a way of making everything shine a little brighter - and it’s no secret that those first two weeks in February can give almost anyone the winter blues. But did you know that the weather also plays a huge role when it comes to your social media engagement?

That’s right—not only does the weather account for great filler conversation, it also accounts for the number of likes and shares you may be getting! At BNL Media Consulting, we are all about staying ahead of the social media curve, so of course, this topic is quite an intriguing one. Read on to learn more about how the weather can impact your standings in the social media world.

The weather drives our behaviour.

Think about how much the weather impacts our behaviour. When it’s a beautiful sunny day, we feel inspired, excited and naturally feel more drawn towards our personal expression. In the spring and summer months, we get to be outside, which means we’re typically in better health and in better spirits! It only makes sense that on these days, your social media content is going to reflect that. You may feel like you have more to share and feel inspired to get your message out to the world!

On the flip side of this, when it’s a dreary day and you’re stuck inside it’s only natural that you may find yourself feeling more introverted. Studies have shown that temperatures exceeding 69 degrees Fahrenheit correlate with more positive commentary, as opposed to colder temperatures or ones that rise over the 86 degree mark. That same research has shown that the days that show more cloud coverage can often reveal underlying emotional states, shifting the actual tone of social media posts—fascinating, right?!

What these studies conclude is that emotional states can actually cause a ripple effect on the feed at large. The more people are being influenced by the rain and sleet, the more of a downturn social media will see in the overall messaging.

Are you taking notes yet?

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What does this mean for engagement?

So what does all of this mean when it comes to social media engagement? Interestingly enough, the dismal days can actually cause a positive effect when it comes to overall engagement!

How, you ask?

Well, it goes like this: As much as the weather can impact the way we post, it also impacts the way in which we consume information. Ironically enough, even though our creative content may actually improve with sunny skies, people are more likely to be scrolling the feed on a rainy day than when the weather is warm.

A 2013 study concluded that there is a distinct correlation between weather patterns and post interactions. They found that users tended to react 42% more often in the absence of sunshine. On top of that, rainy summer days specifically saw a rise of social media engagement by a whopping 90%!

It just goes to show that when the weather is not in our favour, we’re that much more prone to consume.

Know your audience.

There’s no doubt about it, social media is constantly evolving and changing - which means it’s vital as a business or creative to always be staying on top of the trends. It’s so easy to get lost in the feed and feel like your posts are simply disappearing into the ethers.

This is why it’s so important to always be learning the ways of the social world, that way you can capitalize on reaching your audience!

When it comes to effects of the weather on engagement, you can absolutely use these stats in your favour to achieve a larger reach. Knowing that weather has a direct correlation to social engagement you may want to consider the following:

  • Save the best for a rainy day! Seriously - consider saving some of your best content and scheduling it out on the days when you know the temperature will dip.

  • Don’t fear promotions! Knowing that consumer behaviour shifts when weather takes a downturn, don’t be shy to get your deals and discounts up on the feed. You may have a chance to gain more views.

  • Recognize your sentiment - having an awareness around the emotional climate of social media is key. After all, positive sentiments will have a greater chance at virality. Be mindful of what kind of content you’re putting out there based on your mood. Awareness is so important and could be the difference in your audience’s reactions!

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Looking for more tips to boost your social media skills? BNL can help!

Understanding the world of social media and how to reach your audience can feel like a lot. Which is why BNL Media Consulting is here to help! We focus on taking all that added pressure of the ins and outs of social media off your plate - so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business!

We have a team of incredibly talented social media managers who are highly skilled at understanding market trends such as this one. Through the abundant knowledge and talent of our team, we have no doubt that we can help your business soar in no time!

If you’re ready to take your business’ social media to the next level, we would love to work with you! Visit our portfolio page to see the work we’ve done and contact us today to learn how we can work together.


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