How To Market to Generation Z

It’s nearly 2022 (holy flamingo, time goes fast!), which means it’s time to start prepping for your next year of marketing strategies. We’re here to tell you that it’s time to market to Generation Z. It may feel overwhelming to consider a whole new target demographic, but at BNL Media Consulting, we’ll make it easy for you to understand and implement.

In this blog post, we’re sharing why it’s time to shift your marketing focus to Generation Z and how exactly to go about doing it.

Who is Generation Z?

We often hear about millennials, but it’s sad to say that they’re old news now! We know how to market to this demographic, heck almost all of us business owners are this demographic! So now, it’s time to introduce you to Generation Z. Generation Z is anyone born between 1997 and 2010 and they’re your next big customer base. They have been exposed to it all, from the internet to social media and mobile systems - all since infancy!

It’s no surprise that these people are all up on every single new trend and know their devices like the back of their hand.

One of the biggest differences between a Gen Z and a Millennial is their attention span. While we tend to think that people will watch something if they have an interest in it, you will only have 4 seconds to grab the interest and attention of a Generation Zer.

Generation Z is described as an informed consumer. They won’t just buy something to buy something. They’ll make informed decisions and make sure their money is placed in the correct companies. You’ll want to put a strong emphasis on really adding value to the content you’re putting out there. Hook them by telling them what’s in it for them.

How to Market to Generation Z.

Now that you know who Generation Z is, it’s time to focus on how to market to them. We’re going to share 3 tips on how to market to this new generation and we hope that you implement these strategies for 2022. Because trust us when we say... if you’re not marketing to Gen Z, you’re not marketing to the right people.

Use video.

If you’re new here, you may not realize just how important video is for a marketing strategy. But, if you’ve been reading our blog for a while now, you will know how much we love video. We tend to mention it in nearly every blog post we write. Video is KEY for a marketing strategy nowadays.

Generation Z loves video.

They use it for research, education and pleasure. A Google Survey revealed that YouTube is the first platform Generation Z turn to when they want to be cheered up or entertained.

So, if your company is one that could utilize a Youtube Channel, it’s time to upload your first video. If you don’t think that platform is right for you, that’s okay. Use video on the other platforms. Try uploading to TikTok or focus on Instagram Reels. Upload videos and share your company’s behind-the-scenes life because that’s what’s going to hook a Gen Z into becoming a customer of yours.

Sell the experience.

Speaking of behind-the-scenes, the second way to target Generation Z is by focusing on the experience, not just the product. This may seem a little strange when you’re thinking about sales, but hear us out!

This generation is all about simplicity, honesty and engagement. They care so much less about how great your product is, and so much more about how they will gain an impactful experience from it.

For example, say you’re selling loungewear (hello 2020/2021 staple!). Don’t sell the actual loungewear. Sell the fact that it’s a matching set that's cozy, extra soft and perfect for when you’re working from home or having a slow Sunday morning. Those moments and experiences will most likely catch the attention of a Gen Zer instead of the actual product. They will feel like they need this product in order to have the wanted experience. Get it?

Say no to big influencers.

For so long it’s been told to companies to focus on influencer marketing. And, while it’s true that you should include it in your strategy, you need to consider the type of influencers to use when targeting Gen Z.

Generation Z do not always trust the big multi-million influencer. Why? They don’t seem authentic, they can’t relate to them and they don’t trust that they actually love the product they’re promoting. Gen Z can smell out an influencer who is only sharing a product for the paycheque.

The solution? Micro-influencers.

When you use a micro-influencer, you’re telling your target market (Generation Z) that you care about who you work with. Micro-influencers tend to be real people sharing real things that they love. Gen Z trusts them because they haven’t let Instagram or TikTok get to their heads yet. Plus, they seem more like them - totally relatable!

Micro-influencers drive 60% higher engagement levels and 22.2% more weekly conversions—in addition to being 6.7x more cost-efficient per engagement compared to influencers with large followings.

Boost your business by marketing to Generation Z.

Are you ready to add Generation Z as a target audience for your business? Remember these three simple strategies when creating next year’s marketing strategy. If you’re looking for help when it comes to marketing and social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, BNL Media Consulting is here for you!

Reach out to us today and we would be more than happy to get you set up with a successful social media strategy with an emphasis on Gen Z.


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