What Makes BNL Different from other Marketing Agencies

We always post about how BNL is different from other marketing agencies. We are unicorns in the social media management world after all. But, we’ve never really dived into the depths of how. We wanted to share a little about the BNL story and what makes us the best choice when it comes to social media management.

So, grab a bevy and let’s get started on this journey!

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The BNL Backstory - How We Started

When I graduated from the University of British Columbia in the beautiful Okanagan, I made the conscious decision to call Kelowna home for a while, instead of moving back to Coquitlam. It was a terrifying feeling but my intuition told me it was the right one. I didn’t really know anyone outside of my university bubble and it wasn't until I started to shop local that I found what I was looking for. It was the interactions I had with small businesses and their owners that truly made me feel like I was a part of a community.

I first became fascinated with the power of the digital world and how it can create and even deepen interpersonal connections while studying at UBC Okanagan. My Honours thesis examined the impact digital communication was having on relationship initiation and maintenance among young adults. In hindsight, I guess this was the beginning of BNL’s vision.

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My Herd of Unicorns.

Today, BNL is no longer just me running revenue-driving social media accounts but a team of passionate and ridiculously talented digital creatives. I call them my herd of unicorns, those who I didn't seek out, but who gravitated to the empowering and safe space that is BNL that allows them to thrive in their creative genius.

BNL has transformed over the years from me working on my phone on my couch, to me running a team of incredible women contractors, interns and apprentices from FLIK.

Every month, we come together as a team and I get emotional thinking about how far BNL has come and how much knowledge is now situated inside this business.

The BNL team comes from many different backgrounds, but the universe knows what BNL needs and these women completely bring it to the table. From experience in hospitality, real estate, marketing agencies, graphic design, management and content creation. Our team brings it all out and provides the needed skills for our different clients.

I feel so lucky to have more than 10 women on this team. We have the experience that clients need and the ability and knowledge required to grow these client accounts to new heights.

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Two Ways That Make BNL Different from the Rest.

It’s time to get into the specifics. Here are two ways that make BNL different from the rest.

We offer support and reach out often.

We keep in touch with our clients regularly. With retainer clients at different marketing agencies, clients can experience the cold shoulder sometimes with little communication throughout the marketing contract.

We try to do the complete opposite. We send our clients monthly detailed reports on their accounts and the statistics surrounding them. We’re also always happy to jump on a zoom call or phone call to discuss any questions our clients may have!

Communication is flexible at BNL, but our clients know that we value Monday to Friday communication. This allows us to rest our creative brains and for our clients to ensure that they’re enjoying their weekends as well.

All we can say is that we’re not a set and forget it type of agency. That’s our promise to you.

We’re reviewing client accounts every single day.

The second way we’re completely different from other marketing agencies is that we prioritize engagement and actually signing into client accounts every day.

Since the beginning of BNL, we saw just how important the engagement side of social media was/is. It’s the way that connects you to different accounts, your followers and makes you visible on social media. We decided then and there that engagement would be a cornerstone piece in our business.

We have a whole team of engagers at BNL, who sign into our client accounts every single day and work their magic. From answering comments and DMs to engagement with the right audiences at the right time. We can’t give away all of our secrets, but we’ve found that engagement and social media in general is a science. We’ve locked down that science for our clients and every month our client accounts are growing without the use of bots.

Without the engagement piece, our client accounts wouldn’t see the success they do. They’d feel like just another account for a marketing agency. But instead, our clients know that we create a personalized plan for their account that isn’t the same as any of our other accounts.

Your business is completely unique and unlike any other business out there. Your social media strategy should reflect the same uniqueness.

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Ready for a different social media experience?

We’re different at BNL. It always comes back to supporting local businesses and helping businesses grow in their unique online spaces. We’ve created a commitment to our clients that the BNL experience is unlike any other marketing experience they’d had. We’re real people, working together, to create meaningful enhancements for businesses digitally.

If you’re ready to experience a different kind of social media marketing partnership, reach out to us! We’re accepting new management clients and we want to help your business grow to its full potential. Send us an email and let’s get your growth journey started.


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